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Showing posts from January, 2020

Low and High Poly map export - normal maps

Render Setup: Nvidia Mental Ray Assign Render: Default Scanline Renderer Under "Default Scanline Renderer" select Max 2.5 Star Under "Advanced Lighting" we select "Light Tracer" Apply a "Projection Modifer" on the low poly model Make the Projection Modifer a little bigger so, that it can properly read Raytracing Select "Rendering" at top of window and select "Render to Texture" Export as either BMP or Targa Using Bitmaps from Exported normals (Exported BMP/Targa)

Exporting from 3DS Max to Substance

make sure high poly is overlapping low poly this ensure that maps are projected correctly (i.e. normals, bump maps, etc.) Exporting Export as an .FBX file Settings: Smoothing groups, Triangulate and Preserve Wedge Orientation

What is photon mapping?

-Effect for computing global illumination. However, in difference from the irradiance map, which starts tracing rays from the camera, photon mapping traces rays from the lights in the scene. SOURCE:

What is Caustics?

-effects of the light cast onto objects -reflection off or refraction of -using the photon mapping technique Image Source: SOURCE:

Surface Normals

an object such as a line, ray, or vector that is perpendicular to a given object.  SOURCE: Normal Maps in Cideo Games Most texture maps for assets in video games have bitmaps and normal maps. The normal map has a low poly count and is essentiallt a flat 2d image that sharpens an object with highlights.  Image Source: SOURCE:


the method used to represent 3D objects as a collection of triangles not used in 2d The more the triangles, the more realistic the render will be Tessellation is not used in 2d graphics What is the importance of tessellation? Tessellation is a way of doubling [the triangles] on the graphics hardware – so what was two triangles becomes four, what was eight becomes sixteen, and so on. When we do that, that allows us to do things like displacement or smoothing and  increase the apparent detail . This not only makes the surface look higher resolution, [but also adds] bumps and hills and valleys that weren't there before. You get a much higher fidelity surface.” -Alan Willard "Epic biases displacement in tessellation based on camera distance. A small object far away doesn't need to spend performance for [tessellation]. Think of a wall as a flat surface. You can do a l...

Goraud, Phong, and Flat Shading

SOURCE: A strategy of simulating the effec5s of light and color across an object in 3d modelling Henri Gorsud developed the term in the 1970s. Color and illumination at the corners of every rectangle. -Simplest method and renders objects faster than phong shading.

Global Illumination - Definition

A system that models how light is bounced off of surfaces onto other surfaces (indirect light) rather than being limited to just the light that hits a surface directly from a light source (direct light). SOURCE:

Phong Shading

interpolation technique for surface shading  It interpolates surface normals across rasterized polygons and computes pixel colors based on the interpolated normals and a reflection model. SOURCE:

Metaballs - Definition

organic-looking n-dimensional objects. The technique for rendering metaballs was invented by Jim Blinn in the early 1980s. Blinn Shader is named after Jim Blinn SOURCE:

Metal Shader

Realistic-looking metallic surfaces and a variety of organic-looking materials. Metal shading has a distinct curve for specular highlights. Metal surfaces also have glancing highlights. Metal materials calculate their own specular color, which can vary between the material's diffuse color and the color of the light. You can't set a metal material's specular color. SOURCE:,topicNumber=d28e385387

Multi-Layer Shader

A set of two specular highlight controls. The highlights are layered, letting you create complex highlights that are good for highly polished surfaces, special effects, and so on. The Multi-Layer shader is similar to the Anisotropic shader, SOURCE:,topicNumber=d28e385387

Translucent Shader

Translucent shading is similar to Blinn shading, but it also lets you specify translucency. A translucent object allows light to pass through, and also scatters light within the object. You can use translucency to simulate frosted and etched glass. Two-sided effect: With the translucent shader, backface illumination appears on front faces. To generate translucency, both sides of the material receive diffuse light, though only one side is visible in renderings and shaded viewports unless you turn on 2-Sided (in the Shader Basic Parameters rollout Examples : SOURCE:,topicNumber=d28e385387

Strauss Shader

Modeling metallic surfaces. It uses a simpler model and has a simpler interface than the Metal shader. SOURCE:,topicNumber=d28e385387

Phong Shader

Phong shading smoothes the edges between faces and renders highlights realistically for shiny, regular surfaces. This shader interpolates intensities across a face based on the averaged face normals of adjacent faces. It calculates the normal for every pixel of the face. SOURCE:


Circular Highlights softer and rounder than phong highlights SOURCE:,topicNumber=d28e385387

What is the difference between Specular and Diffuse Reflections?


Specular Reflections

a type of surface reflectance often described as a mirror-like reflection of light from the surface. In specular reflection, the incident light is reflected into a single outgoing direction. SOURCE:

Diffuse Reflections

Reflection of light or other waves or particles from a surface such that a ray incident on the surface is scattered at many angles rather than at just one angle as in the case of specular reflection. SOURCE:

What is Ambient?

before Global Illumination, ambient was a shortcut to give a little extra to the brightness of objects in the shadow areas, mimicking fill light. It applies itself uniformly over the entire surface, so if you have an ambient color to your material, or have an ambient light in your scene, you will never be able to achieve pure black in your render. General rule is to stay away from ambient light

Subsurface Scattering (SSS) Materials

organic materials whose appearance depends on light scattering among multiple layers. 3ds Max provides four of these materials. Each is a top-level wrapper (a “phenomenon”) for shaders whose controls are documented in the Standard mental ray Shader Libraries document. 4 Types: Material Name mi Library Shader Name SSS Fast Material misss_fast_simple_phen SSS Fast Skin Material misss_fast_skin_phen SSS Fast Skin Material+Displace misss_fast_skin_phen_d SSS Physical Material misss_physical Example: SOURCE: SOURCE: SOURCE:

Antistropic Shader

creates surfaces with elliptical, "anisotropic" highlights. These highlights are good for modeling hair, glass, or brushed metal. The basic parameters are similar to those for Blinn or Phong shading, except for the Specular Highlight parameters, and Diffuse Level controls such as those for Oren-Nayar-Blinn shading. SOURCE:

Blinn Shader

you can obtain highlights produced by light glancing off the surface at low angles. These highlights are lost when you increase the value of Soften using Phong shading. A subtle variation on Phong shading. The most noticeable difference is that highlights appear rounder. In general, you don't need to use the Soften parameter (described in Blinn, Oren-Nayar-Blinn, and Phong Highlights) as often as you do with Phong shading. soft highlights Example: SOURCE:

Different Materials

1. Anisotropic 2. Blinn 3. Metal 4. Multi-layer 5. Oren-Nayar-Blinn 6. Phong 7. Strauss 8. Translucent SOURCE:

Image Sampler and GI Engine

The two tools that most greatly change the balance of render quality vs. speed is the Image Sampler and the GI Engine. V-Ray tab - Selecting image sampler for antialiasing and image filtering, settings for cameras and environment to customize. GI tab - Selection and settings for primary and secondary GI engines, GI caustics. Global settings that feature displacement and texture settings. Render Elements tab - Creation and control of render elements for pass compositing and post-production. Image Sampler V-Ray tab GI Engine GI tab SOURCE:

Fundamentals: Element mode only for isolating attached parts of one objects

Element mode becomes very efficient after parts become attached to an object After parts are attached to become one object, the parts are read as elements in element mode. This is very efficient for isolating on parts of your object rather than having to always rely on selecting faces, edges, or vertices one by one; quick selecting parts that serve a particular purpose for your model. It's a good habit to think of element mode first when adding more to your model with the 5 selection modes; borders, vertices, faces, and edges all make up one element for your model.

Fundamentals: With Loft, , You can adjust with Scale Deformation

Changing spline into Loft; you can adjust scale deformation to bend the size of shape; easily make certain bends smoother and sharper with line graph Creating bezier points by selecting anywhere on line Scale Deformation Adjusting the line on the line graph determines the sharpness/smoothness of curve on the shape. *most efficient feature from Loft's "Deformations" rollout

Fundamentals: Using the FFD Box; Precision Scaling

So, the ffd box can fit a 3d object within a 3d space by fist, creating a primitive with the specified measurements and then using the align sub-object selection to position the control points of FFD box within that space of the primitive you specifically scaled. Image Source : use x, y, and z position in addition to target object options to fit your 3d object in specified dimensions Select reference primitive. > Select position > Select target box > Select "OK" Repeat these steps to adjust to referenced primitive *To always know the size of your object, click the hammer icon to find what the size of editable poly/mesh is

Fundamentals: Borders are Open Edges

Borders are open edges used strategically for welding. Generally use Border mode only if you are interested in closing open edges example: you have an object with open holes. Border mode allows you to select open edges then, switching to either vertices or edge mode, you can fill holes using bridge or weld.

Fundamentals: Select and non-uniform scale

Select and non-uniform scale this icon selected, we can change location of edges when selecting edges of object Ex: We select both edge loops before the Select and non-uniform scale Before After Both edge loops selected and with select and non-uniform selected, we scale (r) to spread them apart equally

Fundamentals: Modelling a Treasure chest

Treasure Chest - Base: box top half deleted shell modifier for thickness 3 faces wide, and 3x3 on sides Both edges on side selected, select ring to ring edges around chest; use pivot the scale both edges apart Top of Treasure Chest: Create a Cylinder with 8-10 faces wrapping around delete top faces. delete half of faces wrapped around, leaving you with one half of wrapped around faces. (4-5 faces) place pivot point in center by "affect pivot only" > place in center (another option: shift+t, transform toolbox and then, place in center) Extruded faces for Wood: extrude faces "by polygon" option (i.e. select each piece individually to move and size for a more interesting, realistic look

Quick Select (faces)

CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK (faces mode) when selecting faces ctrl+shift will show you highlighted faces to quick select, inuiting the selection you've made so far on a model. Generally it will intuit the quick selection with a ring wrapping around the 3D object.